Source code for physicslab.curves


import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import h, c, k

[docs]def black_body_radiation(frequency, T): """ UNIT = W/sr/m^2/Hz To express the law per unit wavelength, input ``frequency = c / wavelength`` (UNIT = W/sr/m^3). :param frequency: :type frequency: numpy.ndarray :param T: Temperature :type T: float :return: Spectral radiance :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return 2 * h * frequency**3 / c**2 / (np.exp(h * frequency / k / T) - 1)
[docs]def gaussian_curve(x, expected_value, variance, amplitude=None, zero=0): """ Gauss curve function of given parameters. :param numpy.ndarray x: Free variable :param float expected_value: Center :param float variance: Variance (not FWHM) :param amplitude: Amplitude (value at maximum relative to the baseline). None normalize as probability, defaults to None :type amplitude: float, optional :param int zero: Baseline, defaults to 0 :return: Gaussian curve values :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if amplitude is None: amplitude = 1 / (variance * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) return zero + amplitude * np.exp( -((x - expected_value)**2) / (2 * variance**2))
[docs]def gaussian_curve_FWHM(variance): """ Find FWHM from variance of a Gaussian curve. :param variance: Variance :type variance: float :return: Full Width at Half Maximum :rtype: float """ return 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) * variance
[docs]def spontaneous_magnetization(T, M0, TC, a, b, zero): """ An empirical interpolation of the low temperature and the critical temperature regimes. :param numpy.ndarray T: Temperature :param float M0: Spontaneous magnetization at absolute zero :param float TC: Curie temperature :param float a: Magnetization stays close to :attr:`M0` at higher temperatures :param float b: Critical exponent. Magnetization stays close to :attr:`zero` lower below :attr:`TC` :param float zero: Baseline :return: Magnetization :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ M = np.zeros_like(T) mask = T < TC M[mask] = M0 * (1 - (T[mask] / TC) ** a) ** b return zero + M
[docs]def magnetic_hysteresis_branch(H, saturation, remanence, coercivity, rising_branch=True): """ One branch of magnetic hysteresis loop. :param numpy.ndarray H: external magnetic field strength. :param float saturation: :math:`max(B)` :param float remanence: :math:`B(H=0)` :param float coercivity: :math:`H(B=0)` :param rising_branch: Rising (True) or falling (False) branch, defaults to True :type rising_branch: bool, optional :raises ValueError: If saturation is negative or zero :raises ValueError: If remanence is negative :raises ValueError: If coercivity is negative :raises ValueError: If remanence is greater than saturation :return: Resulting magnetic field induction :math:`B` :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if saturation <= 0: raise ValueError('Saturation must be positive.') if remanence < 0: raise ValueError('Remanence must be positive or zero.') if coercivity < 0: raise ValueError('Coercivity must be positive or zero.') if remanence >= saturation: raise ValueError('Remanence must be less than saturation.') const = np.arctanh(remanence / saturation) / coercivity coercivity_sign = 1 if rising_branch else -1 B = saturation * np.tanh(const * (H - (coercivity_sign * coercivity))) return B
[docs]def magnetic_hysteresis_loop(H, saturation, remanence, coercivity): """ Magnetic hysteresis loop. If more control is needed, use :func:`magnetic_hysteresis_branch`. To check whether the data starts with rising or falling part, first and middle element are compared. :param numpy.ndarray H: external magnetic field strength. The array is split in half for individual branches. :param float saturation: :math:`max(B)` :param float remanence: :math:`B(H=0)` :param float coercivity: :math:`H(B=0)` :return: Resulting magnetic field induction :math:`B` :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Starting high => falling first. falling_first = H[0] > H[int(len(H) / 2)] H_rising, H_falling = np.array_split(H, 2) if falling_first: H_falling, H_rising = H_rising, H_falling B_rising = magnetic_hysteresis_branch( H_rising, saturation, remanence, coercivity, rising_branch=True) B_falling = magnetic_hysteresis_branch( H_falling, saturation, remanence, coercivity, rising_branch=False) if falling_first: B_falling, B_rising = B_rising, B_falling return np.append(B_rising, B_falling)
[docs]class Line(): """ Represents a line function: :math:`y=a_0+a_1x`. Call the instance to enumerate it at the given `x`. You can do arithmetic with :class:`Line`, find zeros, etc. :param constant: Constant term (:math:`a_0`), defaults to 0 :type constant: int, optional :param slope: Linear term (:math:`a_1`), defaults to 0 :type slope: int, optional """ def __init__(self, constant=0, slope=0): self.constant = constant self.slope = slope
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """ Find function values of self. :param numpy.ndarray x: Free variable :return: Function value :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.slope * x + self.constant
[docs] def zero(self): """ Find free variable (`x`) value which evaluates to zero. :raises ValueError: If slope is zero. """ if self.slope == 0: raise ValueError('Constant function cannot be inverted.') return -self.constant / self.slope
[docs] def root(self): """ Alias for :meth:`zero`. """ return
[docs] def invert(self): """ Return inverse function of self. :return: Inverted function :rtype: Line """ return Line(, # Raises error if self.slope == 0. slope=1 / self.slope )
[docs] @staticmethod def Intersection(line1, line2): """ Find intersection coordinates of the two given :class:`Line`. :param Line line1: First line :param Line line2: Second line :return: Coordinates of the intersection of the two lines :rtype: tuple """ x = (line1 - line2).zero() return (x, line1(x))
def __add__(self, value): if isinstance(value, Line): constant = self.constant + value.constant slope = self.slope + value.slope else: constant = self.constant + value slope = self.slope return Line(constant, slope) def __sub__(self, value): return self + (-value) def __mul__(self, value): if isinstance(value, Line): raise TypeError('Can\'t multiply Line by another Line.') constant = self.constant * value slope = self.slope * value return Line(constant, slope) def __truediv__(self, value): if isinstance(value, Line): raise TypeError('Can\'t divide Line by another Line.') return self * (1 / value) def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return Line(-self.constant, -self.slope) def __eq__(self, value): return self.constant == value.constant and self.slope == value.slope def __ne__(self, value): return not (self == value) def __bool__(self): return self != Line(0, 0) def __str__(self): return 'Line: y = {constant} {slope_sign} {slope_abs}x'.format( constant=self.constant, slope_sign='+' if self.slope >= 0 else '-', slope_abs=np.abs(self.slope) ) def __repr__(self): return 'Line(constant={constant}, slope={slope})'.format( constant=self.constant, slope=self.slope) def __radd__(self, value): return self + value def __rsub__(self, value): return -(self - value) def __rmul__(self, value): return self * value