Source code for physicslab.experiment.van_der_pauw

Van der Pauw resistivity measurement.

| Four-point measurement bypass resistance of ohmic contacts.
| To find resistivity from sheet resistance, use
    :mod:`physicslab.electricity.Resistivity.from_sheet_resistance` method.
| Pay special attention to enum :class:`Geometry`.

import enum

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import newton as scipy_optimize_newton

from physicslab.electricity import Resistivity, Resistance
from physicslab.ui import plot_grid
from physicslab.utility import (_ColumnsBase, permutation_sign,
                                squarificate, get_name)

[docs]def process(data, thickness=None): """ Bundle method. Parameter :attr:`data` must include geometry voltage and current. See :class:`Columns` for details and column names. The optional parameter allows to calculate additional quantities: `resistivity` and `conductivity`. Supplying `None` for :attr:`data` returns :class:`pandas.Series` of the same columns with values being units. :param data: Measured data. If None, return units instead :type data: pandas.DataFrame or None :param thickness: Sample dimension perpendicular to the plane marked by the electrical contacts, defaults to None :type thickness: float, optional :return: Derived quantities listed in :meth:`Columns.process` or units :rtype: pandas.Series """ if data is None: from physicslab.experiment import UNITS import physicslab.electricity as el name = UNITS sheet_resistance = el.Sheet_Resistance.UNIT ratio_resistance = '1' sheet_conductance = el.Sheet_Conductance.UNIT resistivity = el.Resistivity.UNIT conductivity = el.Conductivity.UNIT else: name = get_name(data) measurement = Measurement(data) (resistivity, conductivity) = [np.nan] * 2 Rh, Rv = measurement.analyze() sheet_resistance, ratio_resistance = Solve.analyze(Rh, Rv) sheet_conductance = 1 / sheet_resistance if thickness is not None: resistivity = Resistivity.from_sheet_resistance(sheet_resistance, thickness) conductivity = 1 / resistivity return pd.Series( data=(sheet_resistance, ratio_resistance, sheet_conductance, resistivity, conductivity), index=Columns.process(), name=name)
[docs]class Solve: """ Van der Pauw formula and means to solve it. """
[docs] @staticmethod def implicit_formula(Rs, Rh, Rv): """Van der Pauw measurement implicit function. | The function reads: | :math:`func(R_s) = exp(-\\pi R_v/R_s) + exp(-\\pi R_h/R_s) - 1`. | This function's roots give the solution. :param Rs: Sheet resistance. Independent variable - MUST be first :type Rs: float :param Rh: Horizontal resistance :type Rh: float :param Rv: Vertical resistance :type Rv: float :return: Quantification of this formula is meant to be zero :rtype: float """ return np.exp(-np.pi * Rv / Rs) + np.exp(-np.pi * Rh / Rs) - 1
[docs] @staticmethod def square(Rh, Rv): """ Compute sheet resistance from the given resistances. Accurate only for square sample: :math:`R_h = R_v`. :param Rh: Horizontal resistance :type Rh: float :param Rv: Vertical resistance :type Rv: float :return: Sheet resistance :rtype: float """ R = (Rh + Rv) / 2 van_der_pauw_constant = np.pi / np.log(2) return R * van_der_pauw_constant
[docs] @classmethod def universal(cls, Rh, Rv, Rs0): """ Compute sheet resistance from the given resistances. Universal formula. Computation flow for square-like samples is as follows: .. code:: python Rs0 = van_der_pauw.Solve.square(Rh, Rv) Rs = van_der_pauw.Solve.universal(Rh, Rv, Rs0) :param Rh: Horizontal resistance :type Rh: float :param Rv: Vertical resistance :type Rv: float :param Rs0: Approximate value to start with. :type Rs0: float :return: Sheet resistance :rtype: float """ return scipy_optimize_newton( cls.implicit_formula, Rs0, args=(Rh, Rv), fprime=None)
[docs] @classmethod def analyze(cls, Rh, Rv): """ Solve :meth:`Solve.implicit_formula` to find sample's sheet resistance. Also compute resistance symmetry ratio (always greater than one). The ratio assess how squarish the sample is, quality of ohmic contacts (small, symmetric) etc. :param Rh: Horizontal resistance :type Rh: float :param Rv: Vertical resistance :type Rv: float :return: Sheet resistance and symmetry ratio :rtype: tuple(float, float) """ Rs0 = cls.square(Rh, Rv) sheet_resistance = cls.universal(Rh, Rv, Rs0) ratio_resistance = Rh / Rv if ratio_resistance < 1: ratio_resistance = 1 / ratio_resistance return sheet_resistance, ratio_resistance
[docs]class Columns(_ColumnsBase): """ Bases: :class:`physicslab.utility._ColumnsBase` Column names. """ GEOMETRY = 'Geometry' VOLTAGE = 'Voltage' CURRENT = 'Current' RESISTANCE = 'Hall_resistance' SHEET_RESISTANCE = 'sheet_resistance' RATIO_RESISTANCE = 'ratio_resistance' SHEET_CONDUCTANCE = 'sheet_conductance' RESISTIVITY = 'resistivity' CONDUCTIVITY = 'conductivity'
[docs] @classmethod def mandatory(cls): """ Get the current mandatory column names. :rtype: set(str) """ return {cls.GEOMETRY, cls.VOLTAGE, cls.CURRENT}
[docs] @classmethod def process(cls): """ Get the current values of the :func:`process` output column names. :rtype: lits(str) """ return [cls.SHEET_RESISTANCE, cls.RATIO_RESISTANCE, cls.SHEET_CONDUCTANCE, cls.RESISTIVITY, cls.CONDUCTIVITY]
[docs]class Measurement: """ Van der Pauw resistances measurements. :param pandas.DataFrame data: Voltage-current pairs with respective geometries. :raises ValueError: If :attr:`data` is missing a mandatory column """ def __init__(self, data): if not Columns.mandatory().issubset(data.columns): raise ValueError('Missing mandatory column. See Columns class.') = data
[docs] def analyze(self): """ Classify geometries into either :attr:`Geometry.Horizontal` or :attr:`Geometry.Vertical`. Then average respective hall resistances. Additionally save Hall resistances to :data:`data`. :return: Horizontal and vertical sheet resistances :rtype: tuple(float, float) """[:, Columns.RESISTANCE] = Resistance.from_ohms_law([Columns.VOLTAGE],[Columns.CURRENT]) geometries =[Columns.GEOMETRY].apply(Geometry.classify) mask = geometries.apply(Geometry.is_horizontal) Rh =[mask, Columns.RESISTANCE].mean() Rv =[~mask, Columns.RESISTANCE].mean() return Rh, Rv
[docs]class Geometry(enum.Enum): """ Resistance measurement configuration :class:`~enum.Enum`. Legend: ``Rijkl`` = :math:`R_{ij,kl} = V_{kl}/I_{ij}`. The contacts are numbered from 1 to 4 in a counter-clockwise order beginning at the top-left contact. See `Van der Pauw method <>`_ at Wikipedia. There are two additional group values: ``Vertical`` and ``Horizontal``. """ R1234 = '1234' R3412 = '3412' R2143 = '2143' R4321 = '4321' R2341 = '2341' R4123 = '4123' R3214 = '3214' R1432 = '1432' Vertical = '12' Horizontal = '21'
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, text): """ Parse string to :class:`Geometry`. :param text: Any valid permutation of digits 1-4, e.g. ``4123`` or ``vertical`` or ``horizontal`` :type text: str :raises ValueError: If there is no corresponding :class:`Geometry` :return: Enum corresponding to :attr:`text` :rtype: Geometry """ if text == 'vertical': return cls.Vertical elif text == 'horizontal': return cls.Horizontal return cls(text)
[docs] def reverse_polarity(self): """ Reverse polarity of voltage and current. :return: Reversed geometry :rtype: Geometry """ if len(self.value) == 2: return self # len(self.value) == 4 new_value = ''.join( # [self.value[pairs][reverse order] for ...] [self.value[i:i+2][::-1] for i in range(0, len(self.value), 2)] ) return Geometry(new_value)
[docs] def rotate(self, number=1, counterclockwise=True): """ Shift measuring pins counterclockwise. :param number: Number of pins to jump, defaults to 1 :type number: int, optional :param counterclockwise: Direction of rotation, defaults to True :type counterclockwise: bool, optional :return: Rotated geometry :rtype: Geometry """ number = number % len(self.value) if not counterclockwise: number *= -1 new_value = self.value[-number:] + self.value[:-number] return Geometry(new_value)
[docs] def is_horizontal(self): """ Find whether the geometry describes horizontal configuration. :return: Is horizontal? :rtype: bool """ return permutation_sign(self.value) == -1
[docs] def is_vertical(self): """ Find whether the geometry describes vertical configuration. :return: Is vertical? :rtype: bool """ return permutation_sign(self.value) == 1
[docs] def classify(self): """ Sort the Geometry to either vertical or horizontal group. :return: One of the two group configurations :rtype: Geometry """ if self.is_horizontal(): return self.Horizontal else: return self.Vertical
[docs]def plot(data_list, results): """ Plot individual measurements and results with quality coefficients. For plotting details, see: :param data_list: :type data_list: list[pandas.DataFrame] :param results: Analysis data from :func:`physicslab.experiment.process` :type results: pandas.DataFrame :return: Same objects as from :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. Axes are: grid axis array, right plot left axis, right plot right axis :rtype: tuple[~matplotlib.figure.Figure, numpy.ndarray[~matplotlib.axes.Axes]] """ df = pd.DataFrame(data=squarificate(data_list)) title = 'Van der Pauw' # Plotting initialization. size = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] size = (size[0] * 2, size[1]) # Double width. fig = plt.figure(num=title, figsize=size) outer_grid = fig.add_gridspec(1, 2) # Grid plot. inner_grid = outer_grid[0].subgridspec(*df.shape) axs_grid = inner_grid.subplots() def plot_value(ax, value: pd.DataFrame): for ori in value['ori'].drop_duplicates(): value_ori = value.loc[value['ori'] == ori, :] ax.plot(value_ori[Columns.VOLTAGE], value_ori[Columns.CURRENT], 'o-') plot_grid(df, plot_value, fig_axs=(fig, axs_grid), title=title, ylabel='Current / A', row_labels=False, column_labels=False) fig.text(0.30, 0.04, 'Voltage / V', ha='center') # Single plot. ax_plot = fig.add_subplot(outer_grid[1]) ax_plot.plot(results[Columns.SHEET_CONDUCTANCE], 'ko:') ax_plot.set_xlabel('Measurement number') ax_plot.set_ylabel('Sheet conductance / $(k\\Omega)^{-1}$') ax_plot.set_ylim(bottom=0) color = 'red' ax_plot_2 = ax_plot.twinx() ax_plot_2.plot(results[Columns.RATIO_RESISTANCE], 'o:', c=color) ax_plot_2.set_ylabel('$R_{12} / R_{23}$ {>1}') ax_plot_2.spines['right'].set_color(color) ax_plot_2.yaxis.label.set_color(color) ax_plot_2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=color) ax_plot_2.set_ylim(bottom=0) return fig, np.array((axs_grid, ax_plot, ax_plot_2), dtype=object)